Dachaigh> Blog> Congratulations to Shenzhen Baby Happy's baby shoes at the same time have been through the European SGS and the US FDA certification

Congratulations to Shenzhen Baby Happy's baby shoes at the same time have been through the European SGS and the US FDA certification

December 11, 2018

Congratulations to Shenzhen Baby Happy's baby shoes, which are also certified by European SGS and US FDA. It is the only baby toddler shoe in China that can obtain both certifications at the same time. It truly makes the baby bite.

Congratulations to Shenzhen Baby Happy's baby shoes at the same time through the European SGS and the US FDA certification

Baby Casual Shoes

Congratulations to Shenzhen Baby Happy's baby shoes at the same time through the European SGS and the US FDA certification

Cuir fios thugainn


Ms. Jackie



Toraidhean Poblach
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